
Essential Oils

Thank you for visiting Glory to Glory, my business as a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils! This page is mainly a background on my health journey and a short intro to essential oils. It's long, so if you don't want to read about my health journey, just skip down to where it says "ENTER ESSENTIAL OILS." :o)

Have you ever learned the meaning of your name? Did you know that your name is no mistake? In fact, sometimes our names reveal something about our destiny.

My name is Katherine.

Katherine comes from the Greek "katharos," which means "pure, clean, free from every admixture of what is false, unstained with the guilt of anything."

This is exactly what is going on in my heart, mind, body, and spirit. My life is indeed being made pure in ways I never anticipated!

In 2008, I began dealing with some rotten health trials including autoimmune disorder, chronic fever, kidney stones, hypotension, hypoglycemia, severe chronic fatigue, and cardiomyopathy. In 2009, I had a tonsillectomy from which I did not recover well, was rear-ended and whiplashed, and severe chronic migraine developed on top of everything. It was all I could do to get out of bed in the morning... if that. Doctors and health specialists of all kinds (both mainstream and alternative) came up short being able to help me, although I did pick up some very helpful tools and tips from them along the way.

I felt so helpless, but I knew God's love for me and that he would not just leave me in this condition without providing ways to at least get through it, if not heal me completely. I had a new husband and baby to take care of. So desperate was I to get well, that I set out to figure out these health conditions myself. Since that time, I have spent countless hours reading and researching about health and wellness.

Somehow in my weak state, I took the bull by the horns and began to eat only real, whole foods. Food that would give life to my cells, instead of the junk I had been mindlessly consuming for years. I used what little energy I had to do two things: cook and care for my child. I nurtured my body and nurtured my baby. While he napped, I sat, rested, read, and learned more. Life became extremely simple. And even this was not possible without my caring husband, mom, and many friends who prayed and pitched in to help.

Through proper nutrition, supplements, and natural hormone therapy, we began to see improvement. The fatigue lessened, the fever disappeared, and tests on my heart showed that it had returned to normal strength. Managing my blood sugar nutritionally meant that I no longer felt fainty and nauseated all the time. Little by little I cut out fake foods and replaced them with real ones. I was regaining strength and the malaise lifted.

Not only did I clean up my diet, we got rid of toxic chemicals in our home that were not allowing my body to heal and function normally. We did away with toxic cleaning products and personal care products, and installed reverse osmosis water and a UV lamp in the air ducts that kills airborne junk. We learned more about controversial issues like heavy metals, pesticides, fluoride, petrolatum, radiation, and vaccines (including the ones I had received just before all the autoimmune problems began). I whirled up a whole lot of green smoothies for detox. We did a week-long deliverance program to do away with the emotional and spiritual toxins.

Just like many people don't repent from sinful living until they hit rock bottom and see some kind of consequences, many don't stop eating junk until they hit a dramatic low in their health. Such has been the case for me. I would never have chosen my current diet before meeting debilitating health challenges. But for some reason, God cared enough for my overall health to allow the kind of trials that would bring me to this point.

One thing is crystal clear: I am being purified.

Spiritually. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically.

And my family is being purified by default! We are making the choice to stay informed. Our son is getting a better start than we did and will hopefully make healthier choices than we have in the past.

I still get migraines. Bad ones. They are painful, debilitating, frustrating. It is difficult for people to understand how much I have already been healed when they realize the severity, duration, and frequency of these ongoing migraines. But I know from whence I have come, and I remember a time when my physical condition was even much worse. I may still be quite fragile, but my body is in MUCH better health now than it was. God is transforming me from one degree of glory to another.

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit." -2 Corinthians 3:18

Here is what I want everyone to know:

Purity is not a goal that you can achieve; it is a process that you can endure.

Purity is a process. I did not wake up one day and suddenly become gluten-free, sugar-free, chemical-free, dairy-free, soy-free, GMO-free, pesticide-free, etc. In fact, I am not completely free of EVERY "admixture" yet! Probably never will be in this life. It's a PROCESS.

And sometimes, in this fallen world, we have to resort to things like medical Botox and surgery and prescriptions with side effects. Sometimes, because we are not yet with Jesus in that perfect eternal paradise, we do what seems good, not necessarily ideal.

When the apostle Paul and the early church council were making decisions, they wrote to the believers: 

"It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements..." -Acts 15:28
This was not the "best" choice. This was not the "perfect" or "ideal" choice. It was the choice that "seemed good" for the situation at hand.

If at some point in your natural health journey it seems "good" to you and to the Holy Spirit to have surgery or take a prescription or eat meat that has been pumped with hormones/antibiotics, please hear me: You have not failed or sinned.

Because it is a fallen world, we would literally have to stop breathing air to not be polluted. No matter what anyone says, you cannot heal yourself or keep yourself from getting cancer; God alone has power to heal. We just pray and trust God and do what we can with what we've got.

But sometimes we've got better, more natural options for our health and if it seems good to you and to the Holy Spirit, by all means. Pursue the healthier choice! Believe me, I know the world of natural health can be overwhelming and intimidating. Don't let this bog you down; just make one little change at a time, and stick to it. Step by step... cell by cell... from glory to glory. It is God who purifies us spiritually, mentally, and physically! It is God who is doing the work of purification in you. Just stick with him.

Will allowing God to purify areas of your life guarantee total healing in this life? No. And even if it does, tomorrow you may breath that fallen air once more and be sick again. What happens here is temporary. Don't fall prey to any doctor or health expert who begins with, "I'm 99.9% sure I can fix this."

Will you see results in some areas? Probably, if it's in your best interest. As Christians, we know God is the ultimate healer and he always does what's in our best interest, at just the right time. Will you have a healthier life? Probably, if it's not messing around with the supernatural, and if it's the right thing for you. These are the things to pray through as you consider any medical treatment or health regimen.

When you allow God to purify some area of life, the guarantee will be a closer relationship with him, without that "thing" in the way. The process of purity most often comes through hardship and obedience. Gold can only be purified through the heat of fire. All the impurities rise to the top, and you are left with only that which is exceedingly beautiful.


Essential oils, like pure gold, are the valuable product of a process called distillation. In the distillation process, the most potent, life-giving part of the plant is derived out of it. It may take up to three tons (6,000 pounds) of a plant to produce one pound of pure essential oil!

The first medicine known to man, essential oils are a powerful health tool and an amazing gift from God. With no harmful side effects, essential oils are making a comeback. Currently, therapeutic-grade Young Living Essential Oils are being used in 50 U.S. hospitals.

I have already witnessed what God's pure creation of plants can do as FOOD in my body. So it made sense to see what plants can do in other ways. I use oils for all sorts of things and each time I am amazed at how useful and effective they are.

* Essential oils come from plants and are used for health, cleaning, cooking, and personal care.

* There are oils that support proper digestion, sleep, emotions, nervous system, skin health, normal blood pressure, focus, and more.

* There are oils for disinfecting, hand sanitizer, shampoo, dental care, and skin care.

* You can inhale them, ingest them, or apply them topically. Oh yeah, and they smell good!

* Learning about essential oils has put me in awe of God's provision for our well-being -- just through plants!

There are hundreds of household uses for essential oils. We personally use these oils for things like mild pain relief, normal emotional health, skin care, normal kidney function, mild stress and anxiety, mold, dissolving chemical odors like paint, cleaning, and itch relief! Glory! If you're interested in learning more about how to use essential oils as a natural, safer alternative to many products in your home, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions: kati dot potratz at gmail dot com 

My heart is to help others journey into pure, healthy living. I know what it's like to live from "glory to glory," and I would love to be an encouragement to you. Who knows? Maybe you're about to discover your next "glory"!

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