
Monday, October 29, 2012

His Burden is Light

It's Monday, and this is one of those weeks. I am standing on the brink. What I see before me is a mountain of tasks to accomplish, lists to make, lessons to teach, gatherings to plan, food to cook, rooms to clean, and people to call. It is overwhelming.

People's brains and bodies handle stress in all sorts of ways. Unfortunately for me, my body tends to respond with slowly building excitement... then anxiety... then crashes into a migraine.

But I am not doomed to this pattern. There is hope.

Jesus says...

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30

One time when I had a lot on my plate, a friend told me to allow Jesus to be my "task-master," because Jesus' burden is light. He would not give me more than I could handle. In fact, he only calls me to do one thing for one moment.

With Jesus in charge of The List, my soul can rest.

So I will remember that today and ask him to help me make The List. Then I will come to Jesus, the good task-master, and say, "Lord, which of these things do you want me to do right now?"

He will give me just one thing to do from The List. I will do it. And for that moment I won't think about any of the other tasks on The List... because those aren't the tasks the Lord has given me. Get behind me, all you spirits of drivenness and guilt! 

I will focus on the one task at hand. And I will do it carefully, keeping in mind that my relationships are more important than getting things done.

Then, when I finish my task, I will come back to my task-master and ask again, "Lord, what do you want me to do right now?" And I will think about and do only the one assignment that he gives me.

Having someone else as the boss of your life can be great news on days like today! It helps me so much to remember that I don't have to juggle, I don't have to keep up with a schedule. Jesus is so much more capable than me and able to handle The List.

I am busy; it is time to stop and pray.

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