
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy Birthday, Jesus

We had just finished eating supper, the three of us one night, and my thoughts were filled with Christmas presents and baking projects and Advent and all the family photos filling up our mailbox.

We don't usually send a Christmas photo. Sending a family photo at Christmastime is very low priority for me. Why spend the time and money? Especially now that anyone can see what we look like on facebook any time they want. (Okay, so the whole truth is I would like to someday get in on this family picture sending thing. Maybe I am a tiny bit sad it didn't happen this year. Maybe next year?)

Anyway, I cleared the table and Shane asked me to read the letter from Sebastian. In this midst of all these beautiful photos, there was this letter from our sponsored child in Colombia. I began to read.

I noticed that the letter was longer than usual. He has grown up so much in the last few years, and the printed Spanish words looked so crisp and clean. The words came in a fleet and I was not prepared...

"I tell you that I would like to meet you to thank you in person what you do for me in the distance, sponsor, I am so happy to write you again. Even though now I help my mommy with the house chores... someday I would like to help her financially... for this I would like when I grow up to be a great soccer player, to carry Colombia's name high, and like this make my mom's dream come true (have a business of her own and be independent)... I give you Psalm 23 and I ask you to pray for my mom and my grandma so they do well at their jobs. Thank you, I love you very much, hugs and kisses."

A lump in my throat... All these family photos...

 all these toys...

all these gifts...








Suddenly, there is only one family photo that I need to send. One gift that I really need to give. We have never sent him anything other than our words and money. It's time to wrap up some love and send it to Colombia. For Sebastian.

For this boy who will turn 10 years old on the very same day we will celebrate the birthday of the King.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"

A family picture... for Jesus. A letter of love, and a birthday gift... for Jesus. A gift for the boy. A gift for the King.

Happy Birthday, Jesus. We love you.

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